Radionuclide Identification Devices

Radionuclide Identification Devices (RIID) are portable instruments used to identify and analyze radioactive materials in various environments. These devices are crucial tools for first responders, law enforcement agencies, border security personnel, and nuclear industry workers to quickly assess potential radiological threats or incidents. RIIDs are designed to detect, measure, and classify radioactive isotopes based on their emitted radiation signatures.

PM1401K-3P search

PM1401K-3P Multipurpose Hand-Held Radiation Monitor/Identifier

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Gamma-neutron model suitable for various radiation control tasks.

Hand-Held Radiation Monitor Radionuclide Identification Device
PM1401K-3M search

PM1401K-3M Multipurpose Hand-Held Radiation Monitor/Identifier

In stock

Gamma-only model without a neutron detector.

Hand-Held Radiation Monitor Radionuclide Identification Device