#PolimasterInc20: Two Decades, Twenty Milestones - Part 6

Twenty Milestones PolimasterInc20

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. and look back with pride at the pioneering spirit and innovative breakthroughs that have characterized our journey. Join us as we continue to explore and celebrate the milestones that have shaped our path.

Part 6. Smartphone Integration

In 2009, Polimaster achieved a significant milestone by registering the U.S. Patent US7528379B2 “Portable system for detection and identification of gamma, neutron and X-ray radiation” which details a method and system for detecting radiation exposure. It introduces a system that continuously monitors radiation levels in the environment using a network of smart sensors. These sensors detect radiation and transmit data to a central monitoring station for analysis. Upon detecting elevated radiation levels, the system triggers alerts to notify authorities and initiate appropriate responses. This patent emphasizes real-time monitoring and rapid response capabilities, enhancing safety in settings where radiation hazards may exist, such as nuclear facilities or public areas. By providing early detection and response to radiation threats, the system aims to mitigate potential risks and protect public health. This device was one of the first capable of transmitting data, including spectral data, for remote analysis, setting a new standard in radiation detection technology.

This invention was implemented in the development of the PM1801 personal radiation dosimeter, designed as an attachment to a smartphone. The included software for Windows® Mobile for Smartphones made it possible not only to visually display the data coming from the sensor but also to use the built-in database of emission spectra of radioactive materials.

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Polimaster always sought to develop integrated solutions that would allow the use of radiation detectors in conjunction with mobile devices, which later resulted in the development of a unique Polismart mobile application for iOS and Android. Polimaster always sought to develop integrated solutions that would allow the use of radiation detectors in conjunction with mobile devices, which later resulted in the development of the unique Polismart® mobile application for iOS® and Android™.

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. in 2024, we reflect on a journey marked by pioneering innovations and strong partnerships. We look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence and advancing radiation detection technology. We thank all our partners and customers for playing a significant role in Polimaster’s story. Here is to future innovations and many more years of success! 

Stay tuned for weekly updates if you are curious to learn what happens next in our exciting journey.

All trademarks mentioned in this post are the properties of their respective owners as listed below:

  • Android™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
  • iOS® is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and/or other countries.
  • Polismart® is a registered trademark or trademark of Polimaster, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
  • Windows® is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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