#PolimasterInc20: Two Decades, Twenty Milestones - Part 19

Twenty Milestones PolimasterInc20

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. and look back with pride at the pioneering spirit and innovative breakthroughs that have characterized our journey. Join us as we continue to explore and celebrate the milestones that have shaped our path.

Part 19. Polimaster becomes one of the first small businesses to bring their operations in compliance with the U.S. DoD CMMC cybersecurity requirements

In 2022, Polimaster successfully aligned its operations with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements, marking a significant milestone and joining the “club” of proactive Government contractors boldly pioneering the new important area of cybersecurity compliance. This achievement is particularly noteworthy as Polimaster became one the first small businesses in the national Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) industry to do so.

The DoD CMMC is a framework developed to enhance cybersecurity across the defense industrial base, addressing rising threats to sensitive, unclassified information such as Controlled Unclassified Information and Federal Contract Information, both vital to national security. In November 2020, the initial compliance standard CMMC Model 1.0 was implemented as an interim rule in all DoD contracts, requiring the DoD contractors to comply with all or some of the most essential 110 controls of the NIST 800-171 cybersecurity system standard. Later, the CMMC standard was developed into a more advanced version - CMMC Model 2.0 that now includes three certification levels, with each level imposing increasingly stringent cybersecurity requirements — ranging from self-assessed “Foundational” status at Level 1 to advanced practices like continuous monitoring and sophisticated incident response at Level 2 (Advance) and Level 3 (Expert).

Unlike the basic cyber hygiene compliance expected from a company at the Foundational CMMC level, CMMC Levels 2 and 3 mandate third-party assessments, ensuring that only duly certified companies can compete for DoD contracts involving sensitive information. This shift underscores the DoD’s dedication to securing its supply chain and protecting national security by enforcing rigorous cybersecurity standards for all defense contractors, regardless of size.

Polimaster started its journey to CMMC compliance back in 2020 with the support and guidance of our longtime partner GENEDGE, the Virginia affiliate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST-MEP) federal program, that first helped Polimaster secure our initial compliance with the CMMC Model 1.0 requirements and later in 2021 teamed us up with the top local CMMC compliance services provider for the Defense Industry Base, Anthony Timbers LLC. Since March 2022, this Cyber Accreditation Board-certified service provider has continuously maintained Polimaster’s cybersecurity system to ensure compliance with the latest CMMC 2.0 Level 2 Advanced standards.

Maintaining CMMC compliance not only guarantees that Polimaster’s cybersecurity system meets the DoD’s stringent requirements for their industrial supply chain companies within the Defense Industrial Base but also reinforces the Company’s overall commitment to maintaining high cybersecurity standards, which are crucially essential given the sensitive nature of our radiation protection technologies and solutions. This accomplishment enhances Polimaster’s security posture and strengthens its position within the defense sector, paving the way for continued collaboration with government agencies.

Furthermore, Polimaster’s cybersecurity commitment sets a benchmark for other small businesses in the CBRNE industry, proving that high levels of cybersecurity compliance are attainable, regardless of company size. As the DoD continues to stress the importance of CMMC compliance with the final CMMC rule being published and going into effect Q1 2025, Polimaster’s success will likely inspire other small enterprises to follow suit, contributing to a more secure and resilient Defense Industrial Base.

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. in 2024, we reflect on a journey marked by pioneering innovations and strong partnerships. We look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence and advancing radiation detection technology. We thank all our partners and customers for playing a significant role in Polimaster’s story. Here is to future innovations and many more years of success!

Stay tuned for weekly updates if you are curious to learn what happens next on our exciting journey.

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