#PolimasterInc20: Two Decades, Twenty Milestones - Part 18

Twenty Milestones PolimasterInc20

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. and look back with pride at the pioneering spirit and innovative breakthroughs that have characterized our journey. Join us as we continue to explore and celebrate the milestones that have shaped our path.

Part 18. Polimaster was awarded CWMD STC PRD Contract for PM1703MO-IIBT

Earlier, we talked about Polimaster’s involvement in the Securing the Cities (STC) program that started in 2015. This initiative, managed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is vital for ensuring radiation safety in major U.S. cities. The program aims to mitigate the risk of a radiological or nuclear terrorist attack on metropolitan areas by establishing sustainable capabilities within Global Nuclear Detection Architecture partner agencies. These agencies are tasked with detecting, analyzing, and reporting unauthorized attempts to import, possess, store, develop, or transport radiological or nuclear materials. For Polimaster, projects like these have always been a priority, and the company has collaborated closely with the DHS and local agencies to incorporate their technology into existing security frameworks and protocols.

Following the successful testing at the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited laboratory, our leading Personal Radiation Detector (PRD) PM1703MO-IIBT became fully compliant with the ANSI 42.32-2016 standard. Polimaster understating the significance of being fully compliant with the ANSI 42.32-2016 standard, submitted the PM1703MO-IIBT to be tested by the newly formed Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) agency to compete with all PRDs in the global market. Ultimately the PM1703MO-IIBT was one of three PRDs that met the CWMD testing standard.

In 2021, Polimaster was awarded the CWMD STC contract for our PM1703MO-IIBT. This advanced PRD is renowned for its high sensitivity and accuracy in detecting gamma radiation. It is specifically engineered to meet the rigorous demands of first responders and security personnel operating in high-risk environments. In addition to detecting radiation, the device provides detailed information about the source, allowing users to take swift and appropriate action. Its compact, durable design, along with user-friendly interfaces and integration capabilities, makes it an ideal solution for deployment in various settings, including emergency response, critical infrastructure protection, and border security.

Winning this contract highlights Polimaster’s dedication to innovation and excellence in radiation detection technology. By securing this project, Polimaster continues solidifying its position as an industry leader, contributing to global efforts to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The deployment of the PM1703MO-IIBT under this contract strengthens both national and international security by providing essential tools to detect and prevent radiological threats before they can inflict harm. Additionally, this achievement emphasizes the significance of public-private partnerships in advancing security technologies. The CWMD STC’s decision to award this contract to Polimaster reflects confidence in the company’s products and their potential to make a substantial impact in the field of radiological threat detection and prevention.

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polimaster, Inc. in 2024, we reflect on a journey marked by pioneering innovations and strong partnerships. We look forward to continuing our commitment to excellence and advancing radiation detection technology. We thank all our partners and customers for playing a significant role in Polimaster’s story. Here is to future innovations and many more years of success!

Stay tuned for weekly updates if you are curious to learn what happens next on our exciting journey.

Part 18