Polimaster at Milipol Paris 2023 in France

Milipol Paris

On November 14-17 2023, Polimaster participated in Milipol Paris 2023, the world's leading event in homeland security and safety. This significant event marked an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our latest advancements in radiation detection and monitoring solutions to a global audience.

During the four-day expo, we presented our cutting-edge products, highlighting their crucial role in ensuring public safety and environmental protection. Our team engaged in valuable discussions about the evolving challenges and technological progress in the homeland security sector.

The event was an ideal platform for us to connect with government representatives, security experts, and industry leaders. We deeply appreciated the insightful exchanges and the keen interest in our innovative solutions.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visited our booth and expressed interest in our work. Your enthusiasm and support are invaluable to us.
