Polimaster at ICONS Conferece in Vienna

Vienna ICONS
Within the Conference, Polimaster Europe showcased radiation detection and measuring instruments: personal radiation detectors, electronic dosimeters, and radioisotope identifiers. Also, we held several meetings and discussed key issues on prospects of further cooperation with end users, customers, business partners, and IAEA representatives. ICONS is the world’s only ministerial-level international conference on nuclear security, which brings together ministers, policymakers, and technical and legal experts to discuss and identify specific issues to further enhance nuclear security and to address the key role it plays in ensuring the sustainability of benefits from the peaceful applications of nuclear technology.

Within the Conference, Polimaster Europe showcased radiation detection and measuring instruments: personal radiation detectors, electronic dosimeters, and radioisotope identifiers. Also, we held several meetings and discussed key issues on prospects of further cooperation with end users, customers, business partners, and IAEA representatives.

Polimaster at ICONS Conferece in Vienna