Are you aware of the radioactive contamination problem in waste management?

Waste Management

Radioactive sources enter waste streams as improperly disposed residues or orphan sources from medicine, industry, research, and illegal handling. Such materials pose a great threat to workers and contaminate recycled materials.

Polimaster offers a wide range of Radiation Portal Monitors for detecting very low radioactive contamination and orphan sources in scrap metal and waste.

Here are a few photos from the installation of the Polimaster PM5000B Series Radiation Portal Monitor for Cleanco Waste Management in Abu Dhabi, UAE carried by our service team and our partner Larsa Scientific LLC.

waste management 1

Explore products:

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

PoliGate™ Deployable RPM

Recommended On order

Gamma-only model transported in plastic protective cases and designed for fast deployment.

poligate light g

PoliGate™ Light G2 RPM

Lightweight double-sided model equipped with two gamma detectors.